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Serene Gradient


  • Hong Kong SAR Government’s first and only MFOdont qualified Forensic Odontologist.

  • Registered BDS (HK) since 1995 and MFOdont (Dundee) since 2015.

  • 20 Years’ Meritorious Service Certificate presented by The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions.

  • One of a handful of recognized forensic odontology specialists for criminal case assistance.

  • 15 years’ experienced forensic dental specialist which are rare to attain.

  • Highly trained with expertise on disaster victim identification (DVI), help police criminal investigation involving human identification with unknown remains, trace bite marks and other dental evidence to criminals.

  • Recognized and experienced criminal court expert witness on forensic odontology.

  • Complex, analytical and detailed medical work.

  • Work is invaluable working with police, coroners and prosecutors.

  • • Constant demand for work from Hong Kong police, Hong Kong court and other organizations for assistance, consultation and training.

  • Internationally known where I have worked in Hong Kong, Brazil and Scotland on several cases.

  • Run forensic training seminars in Hong Kong, China and beyond for dentists, police, forensic scientists and technicians.

  • • Attended and spoken at numerous conferences and seminars, including being a part of a delegation to a Forensic Symposium, and visited the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine in Australia.

  • Will bring great knowledge and cutting-edge experience to the forensic world in Australia.

  • • Unique forensic skills will be of service to Government organisations for complex criminal cases, victim identification, and training expert staff.


  • Over 15 years of major and niche forensic case experience, which are rare to attain.

  • Work with different disciplinary forces, including the Hong Kong Police Force, the Scottish Police Force, and the Brazilian Public Security Office forensic technician.

  • Work with prosecutors of Department of Justice of Hong Kong

  • Organisation and delivery of seminars for Government dental officers on Forensic Odontology, including general dentists, paediatric dentists, and oral surgeons.

  • Translator of the Official INTERPOL Disaster Victim Guide into Simplified Chinese. Conducted China’s first INTERPOL Disaster Victim training to hundreds of police, forensic scientists and technicians in East China and later in South China.

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Kit Chang.png

Forensic Odontologist 

Dental Surgery Specialist

Dr Kit Chang

Forensic Odontologist

Dr. Chang works as a highly experienced and qualified forensic odontologist in private practice. She is in demand internationally, most recently working on a forensic case in Brazil in 2022. Her experience includes as an expert legal witness, international speaker, creator of seminars for the Hong Kong Government on forensic dentistry, and INTERPOL training. Dr. Chang has worked on many cases including mass disasters, fraud cases, and other crimes. Dr. Chang is highly respected in forensic odontology and her skills and expertise are in demand internationally. As well as her professional qualifications, she has completed an ICRC course about managing bodies in mass disasters and armed conflict situations in Switzerland, and IOFOS course on INTERPOL’s Disaster Victim Identification computer system in Iceland.




Private Practice - Kit Forensic

Forensic Odontologist Speicalist & Consulant

July 2022-Present

UEC System Soultions Corpration (Taiwan)

Forensic Odontologist Specialist & Consulant

April 2022-Present

Forensic Odontologist Specialist & Consulant

Luciana Domingues Conceição Odontologia Office (Brazil)

June 2022-Present

Dental Surgeon & Forensic Odontologist Speicalist

Cheung Hoi Sang Dental Surgeon (Hong Kong)

(Dr. Bain Cheung & Associates)

January 2023-Present

Dental Surgeon & Forensic Odontologist Speicalist

Health Alert Limited

International Implant Centre

(St. Paul’s Hospital Dental Centre)

1997-2019 (22 years)

Government Dentist and Forensic Odontologist

The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Dr. So Ying Wo Dental Clinic, Mei Foo





Certificate of registration

The Dental Council of Hong Kong

Reg. No. D03045

Department of Health Hong Kong

BDS (HK) 1995 MFOdont (Dundee) 2015


Masters Degree

Master of Forensic Odontology

University of Dundee, Scotland



Professional Diploma in criminal investigation and forensic Science 

Hong Kong University


Bachelor Degree

Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Hong Kong University





Secretary of the Hong Kong Forensic Society


Memeber of the Hong Kong Forensic Society


Memeber of the Hong Kong Dental Association


Treasuer of the Hong Kong Forensic Society


Member of the Hong Kong Forensic Odontology Group


Hong Kong SAR Governement only MFOdont qualifed Forensic Odontologist



Dr. LEUNG Ka Kui Carl

Forensic Odontologist & Honorary Professor in Forensic Science


Andrew Forgie

BDS, PhD, FDS RCPS(Glasg), FDS (Rest Dent) RCPS(Glasg)

Senior Clinical Lecturer / Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry Director of Clinical Education, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing Glasgow University


Dr. Eddy De Valck

Chief Forensic Odontologist DVI Belgium

Lecturer & Examinator at Academy of Forensic Medical Sciences, London, UK





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Forensic Odontologist


+852 9195 6641

© 2035.

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